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Scientific papers



  1. Choosy beetles : How host trees and southern boreal forest naturalness may determine dead wood beetle communities. R. C. Burner, T. Birkemoe, J. G. Stephan, L. Drag, J. Muller, O. Ovaskainen, M. Potterf, O. Skarpaas, T. Snall, A. Sverdrup-Thygeson.   For Ecol Manage 487:. 2021.

  2. Drivers of Spruce Bark Beetle (Ips typographus) Infestations on Downed Trees after Severe Windthrow. B. Hroššo, P. Mezei, M. Potterf, A. Majdák, M. Blaženec, N. Korolyova, R. Jakuš. 2021. Forests 11:1290.

  3. High boreal forest multifunctionality requires continuous cover forestry as a dominant management. K. Eyvindson, R. Duflot, M. Triviño, C. Blattert, M. Potterf, and M. Mönkkönen,  Land use policy, vol. 100, pp. 1–10, 2021

  4. A bark beetle infestation predictive model based on satellite data in the frame of decision support system TANABBO, R. Ďuračiová, M. Muňko, I. Barka, M. Koreň, K. Resnerová, J. Holuša, M. Blaženec, M. Potterf, R. Jakuš, iForest - Biogeosciences For., vol. 13, pp. 215–223, 2020.

  5. Interventions have limited effects on the population dynamics of Ips typographus and its natural enemies in the Western Carpathians (Central Europe), H. Vanická, J. Holuša, K. Resnerová, J. Ferenčík, M. Potterf, A. Véle, W. Grodzki, For. Ecol. Manage., vol. 470–471, no. January, 2020.

  6. Potential Solar Radiation as a Driver for Bark Beetle Infestation on a Landscape Scale,P. Mezei, M. Potterf, J. Škvarenina, J. G. Rasmussen, and R. Jakuš,  Forests, vol. 10, no. 7, p. 604, 2019.

  7. Landscape-level spread of beetle infestations from windthrown- and beetle-killed trees in the non-intervention zone of the Tatra National Park, Slovakia (Central Europe), M. Potterf, C. Nikolov, E. Kočická, J. Ferenčík, P. Mezei, and R. Jakuš, For. Ecol. Manage., vol. 432, no. August 2018, pp. 489–500, 2019.

  8. Interactions between windthrow, bark beetles and forest management in the Tatra national parks​ M Havašová, R Jakuš, J Ferenčík (2017) Forest Ecology and Management 391 (1), 349–361

  9. Storms, temperature maxima and the Eurasian spruce bark beetle Ips typographus—an infernal trio in Norway spruce forests of the Central European High Tatra Mountains Mezei, P., Jakuš, R., Pennerstorfer, J., Havašová M., Škvarenina J., Ferenčík J., Slivinský J., Bičárová, J., Bilčík, D., Blaženec, M., Netherer, S. (2017) Agric. For. Meteorol., 242(April), in print.                                                                                                                            

  10. Simulating bark beetle population dynamics in response to windthrow events. Potterf, M., & Bone, C. (2017). Ecological Complexity, 32, 21–30.

  11. ​Applicability of a vegetation indices-based method to map bark beetle outbreaks in the High Tatra Mountains M Havašová, T Bucha, J Ferenčík, R Jakuš (2015) Annals of Forest Research 58 (2), 295-310


Potterf, M., Mezei, P., Kočická, E., Nikolov, C., Jakuš, R. 2017. Influence of post-windthrow forest management on beetle-induced tree mortality in surrounding intervention and non-intervention zones. Oral presentation at the IUFRO WPs Thessaloniki, Greece, September 10-15, 2017

M Havašová,  R Jakuš: Forest change mapping and classification using dense stack of Landsat imagery. In The Forestry in the Mountains and Industrial Regions. Book of Abstracts from Conference September 22 – 23, 2014 – Krakow. Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture Krakow. (in press)

M Havašová,  R Jakuš: Find your Bark Beetle by Satellite! (in High Tatra Mts.). In Zoologické dny Ostrava: Sborník abstraktů z konference 6. - 7. února 2014. - Brno: Ústav biologie obratlovců AV ČR, 2014, s.69, ISBN 978-80-87189-16-0, Editori: J. Bryja, P. Drozd.

Available at:


Juniorska vedecka kaviaren (Youth Café scientifique, November 19, 2014) Ako robit neviditelne veci viditelnymi? (How to make invisible visible?)

Institute of Forest Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences Zvolen, Slovakia

Agent-based modeling in Ecological research (January 20, 2016)

Institute of Forest Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Zvolen, Slovakia

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